Monday, October 31, 2011

My Thoughts on "The Truth About Zombies"

First off let me begin by saying my plan of heading for the hills at the first sign

of a zombie apocalypse is a good one. I'm basing this on the fact that's precisely what the survivalist interview in the zombie doco would do. So I've got to be onto a good plan there. Although I might have to say goodbye to Josie, since it'll be hard to keep track of her while running from zombies in the bush.

But by the sounds of the zombie doco an actual zombie apocalypse is very unlikely. Unless, of course, scientists have actually created a rage virus just like in 28 Days Later or the rabies virus mutates and becomes faster acting and a hell of a lot easier to spread. But this will probably require the help of scientists.

Of course there's always the possibility that there's a few necromancers running around the world. In which case zombies don't need the help of science to become a reality. The necromancers have dark, zombie creating magic to rely on!

But then the zombie doco did imply that necromancers do exist in the form of cult leaders.

Like we needed another reason to fear cults and those who lead them!

But that's what the makers of The Truth About Zombies said; all cult leaders have the power of hypnotising their followers and turning them into brain dead zombies who do whatever they're told ... although truthfully, I think that they were looking for a realistic zombie metaphor and cults and their leaders were an easy connection to make.

I would've really been far more impressed if they had have said that drugs and those who peddle them being more necromatic and zombie creating. I mean the writers

of The New Adventures of Captain Planet made that connection, and really the drug addicted zombie does sound way scarier than the brain washed cult zombie.

So it really sounds like the zombie doco people believe zombies are a way to express concerns about social problems; if people are participating in something morally questionable then they become zombies and create more victims who become zombies themselves. It sounds like I really don't have anything to worry about when it comes to zombies and the impending zombie apocalypse. As long as I stay away from anything morally questionable, that is!

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