Monday, October 24, 2011

If iPhones and Facebook Had've Existed in Napoleon's Day

Napoleon Bonaparte
That pommy bastard, Nelson, totes destroyed all my ships. Now stranded in Egypt :(
Horatio Nelson and two others like this
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
At least this gives us time to look at some of the amazing stuff here

Napoleon Bonaparte
Totes just squashed an uprising. Now to deal with those trouble makers and make sure it doesn't happen again

Napoleon Bonaparte
Faced some rebels in Jaffa. Starting to run out of ammo. Told the boys to use their bayonets to save bullets.

Horatio Nelson
Totes helping the Ottoman forces against Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte
dislike! >:(
Napoleon Bonaparte
Piss off you pommy bastard!
Horatio Nelson

Napoleon Bonaparte
The Egypt campaign went well, I think. Blasted the hell out of the towns that put up resistance. Now trying not to get the Plague from some of the sick soldiers.
Horatio Nelson
Liar! You were totes defeated, mate

Napoleon Bonaparte
Back in France, and been named the ruler of this fine nation
Horatio Nelson
six people like this

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