Monday, October 31, 2011

Zombie Documentary

Ok, so I'm a little worried after looking at the TV guide; Nat Geo is airing a documentary about zombies, and I don't know why.

Are the people of Nat Geo aware of something that the rest of us aren't?

Are we about to face a zombie apocalypse?

When I say zombie apocalypse I mean some zombie like pandemic like 28 Days Later showed ... really, it doesn't matter if it's zombies or a zombie like disease really. If something like this is going to happen it doesn't matter if it's real zombies or infected people who are like super angry, super fast zombies. Either way we should be out stock piling weapons to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Or is it because of the recent Judgement Day and all of the talk of the zombie apocalypse surrounding it that has prompted the zombie doco?

Is this doco nothing more than an exploration into the sudden popularity of zombies in pop culture?

I sincerely hope it's nothing more than examining why zombies have suddenly become so popular in recent years. I really don't think I could survive a zombie apocalypse. In fact a facebook quiz I took on the subject said that I wouldn't survive one.

But you can guarantee that I'll be watching The Truth About Zombies to find out why there's a documentary about zombies.

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