Sunday, October 16, 2011

Further Thoughts on Dante's Inferno

Apart from the incrediable doucheness of God in Dante's Inferno I can't get over how well mannered everyone appeared.

When you think of all those sinful souls sent down to hell you don't exactly think well bred gentlemen with faultless manners. You'd think scoundrels and rogues with few, if any, manners.

But not the sinners in Inferno!

It's almost like gentlemen meeting up with each other on a Sunday walk;

"I say, vecchio mio, where to you hail from and what landed you this awful place?"
"Alas, mine is a sad story, vecchio mio! Please recount my story to others so that my fame may spread."
"Of course, vecchio mio!"

Even many of the demons seemed to have courtly manners. At the very least, they were courteous to Virgil and the pilgrim.

The only souls who were rude were the wrathful ones, suffering for their wrath in life.

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