Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Sign That Things are About to Change?

I have a job interview for a position with as a studio photographer. Apart from my resume I also have to bring some of my photos so that they can see just what kind of eye I have.

Ok, no problem. That's actually quite easy.

Except for the fact that I currently don't have any photos with people in them that I'm happy with.

Still not exactly a problem.

I could've gone out yesterday and taken some. I was already out and about because of my CVGT appointment.

But I didn't

The weather was crappy and I was sleep deprived and was feeling a little wildly emotional. No taking photos for me yesterday.

I still had today though. Except that the weather was once again crappy and I just could not work up the energy to go out and face such cold crappy conditions even though the photography interview is on Thursday and I'm going to be in Melbourne all day (where I suppose I could take these much needed pictures ... this thought has only just occurred to me).

But then I was thrown a life line;

The photography studio rang me asking if it would be ok to reschedule the interview for Friday instead.

It's more than just ok, guys!

And now I have the chance to go and get pictures of people near Central Square and/or Sturt st.

I just sat back and hoped for the best, and that's exactly what happened ... well actually, the best would be for me to sit back and find that I magically have amazing pictures that will land me the job on my camera. But since the key word there is "magically" I'll just have to settle for this situation.

So now I'm kind of hoping that my luck as turned around and that this is a sign that soon I will no longer be under the thumbs of Centre Link and CVGT.

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