Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today's Trip to Centre Link

Going to Centre Link just before the big race today was one of the best ideas I've had for awhile; just walked straight in and was almost immediately served. Barely any waiting at all!

Hell in Centre Link customer service terms I basically walked in and straight back out again!

Although that did mean I missed the drama at the Shell servo across the road from the skate park. I don't know what happened. But in the short time between walking past the first time and the second time three fire crews had been called out and thrown dirt all over the ground near the truck that was supplying more petrol. So I don't know if there was just an oil spill or if the spilled oil actually went up in flames ... but three fire crews seem a little like over kill for a run of the mill oil spill at a servo.

Still if it hadn't have been for the fantastic customer service I recieved while at Centre Link I probably wouldn't have even known about the servo incident.

And I'm pretty sure that I can easily find out what happened at Shell.

But I don't know if it's just the Ballarat office or if it's a new Centre Link thing to try and improve the public perception of their customer service, but they're going a little overboard with the door wenches; there were three in Centre Link today. After telling the first two what I was in for, I barely managed to avoid the third one.

I mean on any other day, three door wenches probably isn't enough. But on Melbourne Cup day after lunch I think three might have been a little too many. They were certainly annoying and clearly weren't paying any attention if all three tried finding out what I was there for.

Either that or they were just bored.

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