Sunday, October 23, 2011

Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief

Every couple of years this ad, or something very similar to it, get's released. For years it has bugged me. I have always known that it wasn't really shot in a shopping centre filled with real shoppers. But I have never been able to figure out just what it is that gives this away.

Until today.

Watch it now and see if you can pin point what gives it away that the people behind it have gone to great lengths to try and pretend that it's real testimonial from people who aren't actors.

Did you get it?

It's taken me awhile, but I finally figured out what the give away is; while there is plenty of background noise as the Colgate guy talks to the people who aren't actors, it's not shopping centre background noise. It's just the sound of a lot of people walking.

Now I'm sure that many of you have been to enough shopping centres enough times in your life to know that it's alive with hundreds of conversations. Sometimes music is even audible over the sounds of everyone talking.

I have never been to a shopping centre where the sounds of people talking could not be heard.

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