Thursday, October 6, 2011

Today's Sojourn to Melbourne

I usually have to wait until I get on the train to Melbourne before I get to see something exciting. But not today!

Today I only had to walk down the road before I saw something;

There's this Greek guy who keeps walking shiftily up and down the street. So I didn't think anything of it when I saw him in the distance. When he turned around and I saw that part of his face was red, I at first thought he was some kind of demon.

But since that's a ridiculous idea, and the fact that he was weaving slightly as he walked, my next thought was that he was incrediably intoxicated and hadn't yet made it home and washed the face paint off.

How wrong I was.

It didn't take me long to realise that it wasn't face paint covering his face and head. It was blood!

The dodgy Greek guy had some kind of serious head injury.

Not that this stopped him from walking down the street while he waited for the police and (I hope) the ambulance. The police arrived on the scene before I had to decide if I wanted to be a good semaritan or ignore the bloodied Greek guy and catch my train.

The flashing police lights caught the attention of a nearby bogan, who felt the need to talk about what was happening. He reckoned that the Greek guy most likely owed someone money ... my belief is that it was him who had the money owing ... or he knows who was owed the money.

Unfortunately nothing else as exciting happened when I got into Melbourne, which is disappointing. Something usually happens in Melbourne, besides the planned events at Fed Square (I think there was some kind of fire eating display there today).

But on the Metro train back to Southern Cross I did learn that bumbags make anyone look like a dweep. There is absolutely nothing cool about bumbags. Not even the drug intoxicated, booze swilling stereotypical bogan can pull that look off without looking so uncool.

Ha! Now I'm implying that drug intoxicated, booze swilling stereotypical bogans are cool in the first place! They're so not. It's just that they're not exactly known to ever look dweepy and the kind of person who's easy to pick on.

Turns out that's exactly what they look like when they're wearing a bumbag!

So all in all, it was a pretty good day, and I hope Wednesday turns out to be just as good, if not better.

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