Saturday, October 22, 2011

Last Night's Dream

A group of us decided to go to a popular alternative festival. In fact it was so popular it was really main stream and kind of very hard to get tickets. But it was still considered alternative.

Since the festival took place out of town in the middle of nowhere, the tickets also included accomodation on the site. And we were all pleasantly surprised to find that the accomodation was far superior to the crappy little tents in a field we had been expecting. Instead we got two people rooms that looked as though they had come straight from some hoighty-toighty six star hotel. Although it didn't quite look so high class once we had settled in.

Because we arrived late the first day we decided to skip the festivities for the rest of the day and just drink and have fun in one of the rooms (some rooms came with TV's and gaming consoles). We went out to get some drinks and returned to find the room had been searched by someone (the lock on the door that had so carefully been locked no longer existed). After a quick look, we established that nothing had been taken.

For some reason I decided to go back to my room for something, and found that it had also been gone through. Before I had time to react to this fact, two girls emerged from the bathroom wearing some of my and my room mate's clothes. They explained to me and my room mate that that's what happened as part of the festival; you could just walk into anyone's room and go through their things and even try on their stuff. It was cool unless you actually took something without the owner's permission.

That added a new twist to the whole thing. And with those two girls now part of our group we went around to different rooms and snooped around Come Dine With Me style. Actually I think we were far nosier than that. We were actually wearing everyone's clothes.

The next day we were waiting outside Walmart to get into the festival. Even though we were early, there was still a massive line to get in. Once inside it was very disappointing. There were suspicious brown streaky stains on the floor and the entire place reeked. All around the store groups of people stood around drinking beer and/or smoking.

After complaining about what a let down the whole festival was we were informed that there were different bands and/or parties happening behind the doors all around the room. We went through the nearest door.

We were in a bar lounge in an old shed listening to music and just chatting. Tomas had his new blind hairless aquatic rat that needs to be in water but can breathes oxygen stumbling around on the table. Although everyone kept expressing concern about how the aquatic rat should be placed in water, nothing was done about it except someone dropping a glass of beer on it and knocking it off the table in the process. It landed on it's back and struggled to right itself, and when it did it continued to stumble around on the floor with sand covering its back.

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