Monday, October 10, 2011

Lesson Learned

This weekend I learned a hard, soul crushing lesson; Always have at least two copies of files saved!

I know it seems like common sense, but since I had everything important on my usb, I figured that I was safe from losing all of my important files. I figured that computers crash, not usb's.

Famous last words, right?

Turns out usb's can also fail.

I have lost all of my stories as well as my cover letter and resume ... ok, admittedly, those stories weren't much. But there was a chance that I would recycle them if I decided that no amount of editing could salvage them.

In fact, that's precisely what I was doing; recycling some of my lesser short stories into one big story. And now that has been lost!

I'm not so concerned about the lost resume, since I have emailed it to myself and others that many times, it's just a matter of remembering which email I used to send it and remembering to whom I sent it.

That is, or was, a five minute search. Actually longer, I found a copy of a super detailed cover letter. It's certainly far more superior than the ones I've been spweing out lately. So that's win for me.

But still, my stories!

That is a devestating loss. I am so crushed by it.

From now on, at least two copies of the files will exist, and just to be extra safe, I'll email myself a copy of my work at the end of each day. That should make this odds of this event ever happening to me again extremely unlikely

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