Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today's Trip to Melbourne

Today's trip to Melbourne was disappointing. Disappointing on all counts.

Well, almost all counts.

Usually when I go to Melbourne I see at least one nutter do something incrediably crazy. But no such luck today. The closest I came to seeing something like this was a couple of fools at the lights waiting for the green light to get the correct shade of green before going.

But still, I had the job interviews. Even if that meant many hours of waiting between them.

Actually, my first appointment wasn't really an interview. More of chance for me to pay the deposit for my photoshoot so that I can start working as an extra.

The other appointment was an interview. An interview for a sales job. I went in confident that I'd get the job. Apart from the almost face plant while talking, the phone interview went well.

After learning how many people applied for the job my confidence waned. I had about a three percent chance of being successful. Generally, I feel a lot more confident when my chances of being successful are significantly larger.

Still, I was promised to know by the end of the if I was successful or not. I wasn't. But at least I only had to anxiously keep checking my phone every couple of minutes for an hour instead of days.

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