Monday, October 3, 2011

Fair's Fair

Everyone who is banging on about climate change and how we're ruining the planet through it need to stop and think for a second.

Just remember that Mother Nature started this little fight!

Climate change is simply us retaliating ... and (best of all) it's totally justifiable!

Just think about this before you condemn climate change and those who continue to enable climate change;

How many times has the weather suddenly changed from amazingly clear and sunny day to horrible, Londonesque rainy day as soon as you've put a load or two of freshly cleaned laundary on the clothes line?

How many times has a nice family day out at the park, or wherever, been ruined by a last minute weather change?

You know the change I'm talking about; just like the laundary question, the weather appears to be all nice and sunny and the perfect day for a day outside, you get ready and leave only to arrive at your destination and suddenly have the weather change for the worse moments after arrival.

How many big and/or important events been ruined by bad weather when up until the change, all signs pointed to fantastic weather?

I could keep going on, but really, my point has been made; Mother Nature is being a little bitch with us, and has been like this for as long back as we (as a species) can remember.

It was only a matter of time before we (again, as a species) got sick of Mother Nature's shenanigans and retaliated. If Mother Nature can't handle it, then maybe Mother Nature should stop screwing us around so much with the weather and ruining all of our best laid plans.

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