Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Well Now

I honestly don't know what to make of Tara's latest message to me.

For one thing, her previous messages had led me to believe that she was quite worried about me and my future happiness. But apparently, I totally misread those messages, because unless I accept her hand of friendship or help or whatever, she's going to start to become very worried about me.

So all of her concern in the last messages was either in my imagination or fake.

Not exactly the best way to convince me to hand over my money.

But then, she does make a very good arguement about why I should hand over my money in the next paragraph; I could be one of those lucky few who succeed at everything they do, have everything in life and are truly happy.

That's a pretty good selling point for the 12 Secrets of Power.

Although I was under the impression that you can't buy happiness. But I guess that's a lie that those lucky few who already have the 12 Secrets of Power want us to believe. Those bastards.

And it's not like happiness even costs all that much; only $19.95. But since payment also involves handing over my account details to some stranger and her website, I think I may just wait until I don't have to before buying happiness.

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