Sunday, August 14, 2011


Now I'm sad.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to get something out of my accursed insomnia, and get some pictures of the sun rising over Ballarat.

But the weather hasn't allowed that to happen.

Whenever I have actually decided to go out, and try and find myself a little perch from where I'd take my shots, it has always been cloudy, rainy and foggy. I didn't even have to go out a couple of the times! I just had to think about it.

And then today, I completely forgot about the whole thing, and the there's no clouds in the sky.

I watched the sunrise from the loungeroom. It was beautiful! The colours just magical. It would've been the perfect sunrise to shoot.

And I missed it.

I bet the next time I try and get some shots of the sunrise, the weather won't allow it. Once again, my plans will be thwarted by clouds, rain and fog.

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