Friday, August 26, 2011

Let's Be Serious

As you're all probably aware, it's cool to blame climate change on man and all of the carbon emissions that our world is emitting. Needless to say that this line of thought is ridiculous and wrong and going to cost us a fortune because the government is trying to do the popular thing by passing the Carbon Tax.

Climate change isn't caused by man and our carbon emissions, people!

What is really the cause behind climate change is witches and their witch craft.

It is a well known fact that witches have altered the weather for their own purposes throughout history. The Church wouldn't lie about something as serious as this. That's why there were all those witch hunts.

And why would witches being doing something as heinous as mess around with the global temperatures, you ask.

Well, it's very simple; witches are pure evil who like to do mean and nasty things just for their own amusement ... and quite possibly because their master, the Devil, told them to.

It's just what witches do.

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