Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oh No!

Apparently I have until 8 August to make a decision and take action or it'll be too late.

Tara has me quivering in my blue bed socks!

But since the event that she's talking about is inscribed in my astral chart and is going to happen no matter what, I don't see what all the fuss is about.

Maybe she wants me to accept her hand of help and learn the 12 Secrets of Power from her so that I can maximise the benefits of this event.

Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Tara has my best interests at heart and doesn't want to scam me out of my money and possibly steal my account details while she's at it. She just wants me to stop being a passive witness to my life, and learn the 12 Secrets of Power ... I assume these secrets are like the pyschic version of the Limitless pills.

And once again, she ends her message with the ultimatum of "Act now before it's too late and you miss out on the happiness you deserve."

She really needs a new ultimatum. After reading the same one every four or so message, it really doesn' affect me at all ... which should clearly indicate to Tara that she needs new material. She's not a very good pyschic.

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