Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Virgin Life Insurance

Ads are meant to make you want to buy the product that is being advertised, right? But the Virgin Life Insurance ad doesn't make me want to rush out and get myself some life insurance. It makes me fear for the husband's life.

The Mrs in the ad is way too pushy to want him to be covered just in case.

She is totally planning on killing him a couple of months after he has sign the life insurance paper work.

I really can't imagine how this ad campaign could make anyone want to rush out and buy life insurance from Virgin. Unless Virgin is trying to specifically target spouses who want out of their marriage, but for whatever don't want a divorce and want a sizeable pay off.

So maybe Virgin Life Insurance doesn't ask any questions when people suddenly die a few months after signing the contract.

Maybe that's what the ad is getting at.

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