Saturday, September 17, 2011

Last Night's Dream

Donna, Eric, Jackie and Fez were at a theme park, arguing about what ride they should go on next. They couldn't decide, so they decided to go to the beach and sit in the waves.

The surf was actually really strong, and required a lot of attention to avoid being knocked over and swept away.

Some celebrity chef and I joined them and looked out across the coast line. The celebrity chef kept suggesting how perfect all of the waves were. He clearly didn't know how to spot a rip. He kept on yammering about the whole thing and refused to listen to us when we kept trying to point out one of the multiple rips that were easily visible.

Just to get away from him I suggested that we go on the roller coaster, which, for some reason, required us to wade through the surf and around the bluff to get to the line for the roller coaster.

The roller coaster ride took us out to an island. Halfway there, we got thrown out of the roller coaster when it hit a sandbar and broke.

We swam the rest of the way to the island and found ourselves at Hogwarts. Naturally this meant that we had to explore the castle, which we did.

At some point we heard some loud bangs and the castle walls started to shake a bit. But we just ignored it and continued exploring. I ended up on the athletics field, checking out some of the old tin sheds. It was the smoke that alerted me to the danger.

I raced back to the castle to find the others and warn them. I found Fez lying on the floor of a room filled with mechanical gears and clogs.

We couldn't find the others, or a way out of the castle for that matter. We were starting to get really worried when we heard Eric shouting at us. He, Donna and Jackie had made a hole in the wall for us to wriggle through.

From then on it became a race against the lava to get off the island. It wasn't easy. Most of the castle was crumbling down around us. But somehow we managed to get out off the island and float safely back to the mainland where we had a prefect view of the island quickly disappear in a hot red, steamy lava-ee mess.

From the mainland the island didn't look big enough to have a house on it, let alone Hogwarts castle with a couple of massive athletic fields.

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