Friday, September 9, 2011

Pizza Hut Sticky Fingers Ads

So Pizza Hut has brought out a new product; their sticky fingers stuff.

I always thought that ads were supposes to make the products advertised look appealing to as many people as possible. That's how they generate sales. But this ad doesn't do that. It doesn't even succeed in making the food look good to eat!

Sticky fingers looks like the kind of food that drunk or high annoying wannabees who are so cool (or so they believe) would buy. So that's a limited percentage of the population who's being targeted ... actually, considering the ad, I guess it's just about every hot blooded sports fan. So maybe not quite so limited number of people being targeted, after all.

But how the food looks on the ad has got to turn off a lot of those hot blooded sports fan wannabees. It does not look at all appealing. And everyone knows that the food in ads looks a thousand times better than reality. So the sticky fingers range has got to be very foul looking.

It looks like this sticky fingers ad campaign is a complete fail all around ... at least it would be if so many people didn't go to Pizza Hut while intoxicated and any kind of food, especially a new untried kind, looks good and must be eaten.

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