Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Smurfs Really Aren't All That Inherently Good

The smurfs like to pretend that they're like sugar and spice and all things nice, but really they're aren't. They're like suburban housewives in that regard; appear to be nice and all that, when in reality things are the complete opposite. That's why Gargemal suffers so much at the hands of the smurfs.

If the smurfs were really as inherently good as they claimed to be, then they would

accepted Smurfette into their group without any hesitation when she first appeared. But since she isn't a real smurf, the smurfs decide that it's really for the best that they don't befriend her.

Apparently as far as the smurfs are concerned the only people worth knowing are real smurfs. Fake smurfs will be tolerated but never welcomed into the group. As Gargemal can testify to, anyone else who doesn't even resemble a smurf can give up any hope of living peacefully side by side with the smurfs. The smurfs won't tolerate anyone who isn't tiny and blue to live in their neighbourhood.

It takes Papa Smurf giving Smurfette a complete makeover before she's considered "real" smurf and therefore worthy of being welcomed into their group.

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