Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bendigo's Tourism Campaign

I think I have figured out Bendigo's tourism campaign! And it's a very sly one.

Let's face it, there isn't much in Bendigo except for some nice old buildings (but since most towns and cities have these, it's nothing really). So I was baffled when driving through Bendigo and all of the hotels were booked out.

There was nothing happening except a ride on the old talking trams ... actually, I'd pay for an experience on a talking tram if the tram really did talk.

But then it hit me; everyone drives through Bendigo to get to their destinations. They may stop in Bendigo for lunch. But rarely is Bendigo the destination. So what better way to attract potential tourists?

By pretending that Bendigo is the hot spot where everyone is going by displaying "no vacancy" signs.

Then, that way people driving through will think "This must be a nice place to visit. We should stay for a weekend!" And immediately call a hotel and beg for a room.

People are being tricked into thinking that Bendigo is the popular place to go away to ... I guess if this campaign is successful, Bendigo will be the popular place to go away to by default.

A very deviuos tourism campaign, indeeed.

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