Wednesday, September 21, 2011

$#@!%$ #@!$%#@$ $%%$#@ That Hurt!

You know what they need to invent?

Super sticky band aids that don't move specifically to protect against blisters.

I have never experienced worse pain than peeling the sticky part of the band aid off my very worn and burst blister.

Well, I guess breaking my bone hurt more ... oh wait. That's right! I'm amazing and have never broken any of my bones!

But now that I think about it, I have experienced worse pain than peeling the sticky part of the band aid off raw, sensitive skin;

There was the time on Res when I tripped and fell and banged my knee against a rock. While my tights were all super hero (I was dressed up as a super hero at the time of the fall) and didn't rip, my knee wasn't quite so super hero, and I only realised just how bad it was the next morning when I woke myself up by kneeing the brick wall next to my bed. Actually, that's when I first realised that I had, indeed, ripped open my knee. I had simply assumed that because my tights hadn't torn, my knee hadn't either.

How wrong I was.

Then there was also the time when, as a small child, I burnt my bare buttocks on one of those wood heaters. I was fresh out of the bath too, which made the whole thing a hell of a lot worse. That was a very painful experience, and I still can't watch The Little Mermaid without memories of that horrible night (I was allowed to stay up and watch The Little Mermaid because of my injury ... actually I think that night's dinner plans were scrapped because of that incident.

All the same, peeling the sticky part of band aids off raw, sensitive skin hurts! Like, really hurts. They really do need to make specially blisters on your feet band aids that don't get moved around by shoes during the day.

I'd put my hand up to create such an amazing thing. But, well, that requires a grasp of science that I quite frankly do not possess.

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