Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Interview in the Morning

Tomorrow I have an interview for a job. The interview is all the way in Melbourne, which means that I have to get up nice and early to be there at 8:30am.

That's going to be a nasty shock to my system, seeing how I'm so not a morning person and probably won't be able to get to sleep until a couple of hours before I'm supposed to be at the train station.

But nonetheless, this isn't causing me any undue concern.

I function pretty well on no sleep ... and I usually function a hell of a lot better on no sleep than I do with little sleep. So I'm seriously considering just staying up all night and when it gets close to getting ready time, I'll just pep myself up on coffee.

I'd take sleeping pills, but I'm pretty sure they're placebos; they don't actually do anything to help me get to sleep.

But anyways, considering the ungodliness of the hour that I have to leave for the train station, I decided to show some forethought and look up the venue today so I know how far away it is from Spencer St (turns out two blocks).

Naturally I used Google Maps for this so that it could clearly highlight my destination on the map for me. It left me wondering why does Google Maps always insist on giving you directions for the most convoluted way there? Why can't it just give you directions for the most direct route?

I know this is a bad example, considering how short my trip is, but ...

When I could easily walk up Colins St!

How much easier is that?

So now that I have simplified my walk to the interview, I'm basically all set for the interview tomorrow, sleep or no sleep!


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