Friday, September 30, 2011

Ballarat at Night and Who Owns the Streets.

One thing about Ballarat during the day is that there's many a cop car cruising around town. It's almost impossible to traverse Ballarat without seeing at least one cop car somewhere.

It's very obvious that the cops own the streets of Ballarat.

At least that's the case during the daylight hours.

It's a very different story once night has fallen.

After last night's little sojourn to Gravy Spot, I can't help but think that the cops don't even bother trying to pretend that they own the streets during the night.

There's nary a sight of a cop car.

Once the sun goes down, the streets of Ballarat are anyone's for the taking. And apparently the only people who seem to have taken them are party revellers ... and quite possibly Gravy Spot, since it is the late night place to get food from in Ballarat ... and they very possibly put mind control stuff in the food to get people to keep coming back for more.

It's weird that no one has actually gone out of their way to actually claim the streets of Ballarat after nightfall. The only reason why the revellers own the streets at the moment is simply because of the merit of being the only people walking them.

And since no one has actually claimed the night time streets of Ballarat, I believe I shall claim them. I'll plant my flag of triumph tonight!

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