Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today I had a big day planned.

Actually, it may not be all that big. But I'm lazy (I admit it), so to me it's a big day.

I was going to get up nice and early, find out if I do indeed have a cert III in Writing and Editing (my Tafe coordinator says I do, but I don't beleive her), and apply for a copy of the certificate to be sent to me if I do. Then I was going to walk up to CVGT and get them to photo copy my VCE statement of results, before filling out my Army application form and finding out where the Defense Force information night night is going to be held on Wednesday night.

I reluctantly dragged myself from bed at 1:30pm, and haven't moved from my laptop since (except when I showered).

The most productive thing I've done today is make myself many cups of tea.

Otherwise I've just been procrastinating by tweeting (on both my and my cat's behalf), playing bejeweled and mucking around on Experience Project.

I haven't even attempted to write something today, which is what I usually do on days like this.

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