Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Creepy Old Abandoned Factory

I don't know about the rest of the world, but people in Ballarat will know which factory I'm talking about; the one in Ballarat East where the boiler exploded yesterday.

If you're not aware look it up.

Now that you're familiar with the creepy old abandoned factory I'm talking about, I can continue with my story.

I was about to describe the factory further. But I think what I've said about it is apt. Although I cannot stress just how creepy it is enough. There's some serious creepiness with that factory.

serious creepiness.

As in most likely haunted creepy.

Or, more likely, the den of murderers and rapists creepy.

Although the weird sounds that come from within there at night fits both theories. So whatever.

It's bad enough walking past that place during the day. At night it's even worse. Especially when the door/gate thing opens of its own free will, and a wail issues out.

I try and walk on the opposite side of the road during the day if I have to walk past it. At night I need some liquid courage and a posse with me before I even think about going near the place ... this is a challange at times when Gravy Spot is calling.

But I don't want to end up another victim of whatever lurks in that creepy old abandoned factory ... it's nearly as bad as the periodic zombie invasion that the Ballarat bravely endure.

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