Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Job Training

So as part of my many obligations to Centre Link, I have to attend a job finding course to help me find a job since I haven't already done so.

I don't think that anyone realizes that there is almost no jobs going, otherwise everyone in my course would've gotten jobs just to avoid the course.

And it's not even all that interesting. I'm not looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Yesterday and day was all about building self esteem and how to deal with stress ... two things that I don't really have any problems with ... and also two things that were covered everyday in the office when I was selling Austar; and it was far more interesting and fun than the course.

Although, because most of the people in the course seem to have good techniques dealing with stress, we weren't at it for all that long. We spent most of the time looking for jobs online. Something I could've done in the comfort of my own house.

But I still have the lame homework that I have to do. I have to make a timeline of my day today. It's supposed to help with time management or something. I don't particuarly care all that much. It's super lame.

And it's too bad that most of today's job hunting activity begins after 5pm (the time the timeline ends).

I'm going to look super slack tomorrow when I go back in for the resume writing part of the course.

But at least the person running the course is young and doesn't make us talk about everything like some of the others usually do (my housemate's have done this course in the past). That would be intolerable.

I'll keep you posted as it goes, because I know you really do care about this.

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