Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ghosts in the House

So last night was pretty windy, which meant that there was all kinds of things going bang and thud in the dark.

At first these sounds didn't worry me too much: it's usual for an old, run down house to make sounds like that. Although it did occur to me that Charlotte and Horry might be adding to the noise as well. But since they're both so incompetent at the whole haunting thing, the presense of the ghosts last night didn't worry me.

That is until I heard Charlotte chuckle.

Suddenly Charlotte became a lot less incompetent and a whole lot more threatening. If she managed to chuckle in such a sinister way, who knows what else she's capable of.

My first instinct when I heard Charlotte's chuckle was to leap out of bed and barricade my door.

The only reason why I didn't was because it was too cold to actually get out of bed. Plus I'm sure that I would've drawn attention to myself with all of the noise I would've made barricading my door. Better to remain still and quiet and hope that Charlotte just passes by without doing anything undue.

And then it occurred to me that barricading my door against a ghost is a pretty futile act. It's not like that's going to stop a ghost from just drifting through my wall or door.

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