Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tara Has to Help Me Make the Right Choice

It's been awhile since I wrote about Tara and her crazy messages. Mainly because she was starting to repeat herself and say the same thing.

It got boring.

I got bored.

But after reading the subject line of her latest email I couldn't resist having a looking at what she had to say.

I have to help you make the right choice, Emma.

Sounds kind of forbidding, right.

I mean, is she going to force me to make the "right choice" at the point of her pyschic sword?

Or is she going to invade my dreams Inception style and make me think that paying for her pyschic readings is a good idea and something that I should do asap?

That's a scary thought ... although if I seriously thought that this was a real threat, I'd be out getting lessons on how to protect myself from such an invasion in a flash.

But luckily I don't.

And it seems that to force me to make the "right choice" Tara only plans on using her words ... thus proving that she's really not a good pyschic, otherwise she'd know that her words won't force me to do anything.

Hell, you don't have to be a pyschic to realise that Tara's words aren't going to force me to do anything. If her words were really that powerful, then they would've already done their magic on me and I'd be a paying customer of Tara's.

Then there's the fact that Tara's words, these words that are supposed to force me to make the "right choice" are just the same old words that she has used in all of her previous emails to me.

That ain't gonna fly.

She really should've put in the effort and used different words this time around.

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