Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stockland Wendouree Today

Stockland Wendouree was a place of magic and whimsy today ... at least it was for the less cynical and jaded part of the population. For the rest of us, that just meant a much larger crowd at Stockland ... which meant more people for me to hit up to try and make their houses more energy effecient.

Yes, that's right, Santa Claus was at Stockland Wendouree today!

I don't know if it's a Stockland Wendouree thing, or if this happens wherevere Sanata goes, but not only was Santa present with his elves (disappointingly he wasn't with his reindeer), but he also had (what I can only assume was) a flying angel.

Yes, there was an angel hovering around StockLand Wendouree, waving her wings around, distracting those of us who were trying to work ... although she did disappear pretty quickly after Santa Claus arrived (in a train). So maybe he did something to her or simply just scared her away.

There was also a face painting booth nearby. And until I walked by it on my lunch break, I had simply assumed that everyone who had told me about it were dirty rotten liars, which is probably why I was always told never assume anything. I didn't see a single face painted kid all day, except for the one who was getting his face done when I walked by.

Still, it's not like I didn't get to see my share of magical and whimsical creatures today;

I did see this being who looked like a boy, but had crazy triathlete legs but walked duck footed, sounded like a little old lady and was only about four and a half feet high.

Hmm, maybe whimsical isn't the right word to be used when describing the dwarf old kid.

Actually, now that I come to think of it, there was a large amount of duck footed people cruising around Stockland Wendouree today.

A lot more than usual!

Maybe there really was magical stuff happening at Stockland Wendouree today.

Maybe the duck footed people are linked to the lack of face painted kids despite the very popular face painting booth.

Too bad duck footed people aren't really thought of as whimsical, otherwise today could've been all about them instead of Santa Clause and the angel before him. No body cared about the elves once they had run out of lolly pops and were handing out lame as stickers instead.

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