Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Theory About Why So Much Drama Happens on Ramsay Street

Last night after watching Neighbours I couldn't help but wonder how so much drama happens on one street. No one street should have that much drama. Hell, no one street should have even half as much drama as Ramsay Street ... and Ramsay Street is only a small court with half a dozen houses!

So what could be the cause of all of the Ramsay Street drama?

My theory is that the street itself is some kind of dark magic hotspot that draws horrible people to it. That is why people like Paul Robinson and Izzy Hoyland are constantly moving there.

The street also seems to have the power to bring out the worse in people as can be seen with the Kennedy's and Scully's ... well actually, I can't say for sure if the street perverted the Kennedy's or if they were already like that when they moved onto Ramsay Street. But growing up there can't have been good for the Kennedy children.

Occassionally innocent people will move onto the street. But they quickly become victims of the street. Some of these victims will move away from the street, but most of the time the Innocent have come under the spell of the street and are unable to move away and slowly become perverted by it.

But it seems that Ramsay Street needs its share of blood and will go to great lengths to get it in the most dramatic way possible. Take for example the Bridget Parker and Ringo Brown. They were both hit by vehicles driven by someone on the street. That kind of thing may happen, but not twice in less than 10 years. The street was clearly working its dark magic when Bridget and Ringo got hit. And clearly just injuring Bridget wasn't enough for the street, which is why she later died after getting married.

It's the spirit of the street trying to pervert the inhabitants and spread fear and chaos though Australia.

Or maybe it's the ghost of the original Ramsay trying to kill everyone so that he once again has company ... although with the number of people who have died while living on the street you'd think that Ramsay would have more than enough company. Even if the company is just horrible, horrible people who have always been that way or have been turned by the street.

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