Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More Concern From Tara

So Tara is still concerned about me, or say her email to me says.

It's the same old story;

She wasn't planning on working late and was putting away files. She picked up my file and immediately had some kind of premonitory vision about me, and had to contact me as soon as possible so that I can fill in my request for a sensorial vision study and a ritual of ultimate protection.

If whatever she saw was that pressing and urgent, then she would've done the ritual voodoo stuff on my behalf without waiting for me to maybe fill in the request form. The lack of permission hasn't stopped her from doing so in the past ... plus she also has a file on me ... I don't know why though. I havn't actually used her pyschic services.

It's not like I'm going to object to getting some extra good karma sent my way ... especially if it's free good karma.

Tara then goes on with the same old fear mongering she always uses when she wants me to pay for some pyschic reading by indicating that I could become disgustingly rich if I pay for her to do her readings on me. If don't I miss out on becoming disgustingly rich.

Yeah, that old sales pitch. It hasn't worked in the past, and I don't foresee it working in the future ... but then, Tara is the pyschic not me.

But that little sales pitch does really lessen the impression that she's truly concerned about me ... which I'm sure she is: concerned about not getting my hard earned from me!

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