Saturday, December 3, 2011

Door Knockers Need a Qualification to Door Knock

So I heard a crazy rumour today; apparently people who door knock for a living now have to be properly qualified for the job.

Yes, there's now apparently accreditation for door knocking!

And all I can do is ask "why?"

Why would you get a certificate or whatever in door knocking?

Any fool knows how to knock at a door.

Knocking at a door is a skill most people learn at a very, very, very young age.

It seems like a massive waste of money getting accreditation as a door knocker.

What do they teach the door knocker's to be? How to master the special door knocker knock that I could never master during my brief stint as a door knocker?

Still seems like a waste of money.

But then there is bragging rights attached to obtaining a certificate in door knocking; and that is being the only one out of your mates and family to be allowed to knock on a strange door ... or even a not so strange door.

Yeah, still seems like a waste.

Really, door knocking is a bad enough job. So I don't know why they're trying to make it even less appealing by introducing a stupid certificate to be able to work as a door knocker ...

Oh, wait. Now I see why they're making door knockers get a certificate in door knocking. Those cunning bastards.

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