Sunday, June 5, 2011

Super Germs!

There's one thing that I find really alarming about today's culture of having super clean sparkly, germ free homes;

The fact that none of these super effective cleaning products kill 100% of the germs. Killing only 99% of the germs at best.

That leaves 1% of the germs who have survived the massacre of their communities. And like any kind of organism that goes through something that horrific, this 1% of germs are going to be a hell of a lot stronger than they were previously.

It's basic genetics 101 ... or, survival of the fittest.

So, these super effectively cleaning products are effectively creating super germs! that can't be killed in our homes. And if Fairly Odd Parents has taught us anything, it's that if it's got "super" in front of it, it's some serious bad news for everyone else. As in, make your peace with your Maker kind of bad.

Fairly Odd Parents not a serious enough example of why super germs are bad news? Well, there's always all those super bugs! that now thrive in hospitals.

Those bugs are a perfect example why trying our best to make our homes a germ free place is bad news. That's basically what hopsitals are, and yet there's all these super bugs! trying to infect and kill people, and that are almost impossible to kill themselves.

Is that really what we want in our own homes?

A place that is almost germ free, except for the super germs! that are almost guaranteed to kill you?

I don't know about you, but I think I'd rather live in a slightly germy house. Then that way, I'm not facing super germs!, but regular weak little germs that my body can easily overcome.

Let's face it, getting small, habitual dose of the weak, regular germs makes us stronger and better able to deal with germ related issues down the track ... antibodies, man!

I don't think we'll be so fortunate with the super germs!

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