Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Damnit, Centre Link

I though that Centre Link was meant to help us poor, struggling, unemployed people.

Ok, ok, they say that. But everyone knows better. Centre Link doesn't help us. It just makes our lives harder, and they give us a pittance for selling our souls to them.

That's the reality.

But Centre Link has made a pretense of actually helping us in the form of advance payments.

However, these advance payments are not all that helpful!

For a start, you can only get one every 12 months. So if you're in a tight spot financially, that bonus $500 is a god send. But what about for the rest of the 12 months after that? What if you run into another tight spot financially?

Well, you can't turn to Centre Link for help if it's been less than 12 months. Even if you have already paid off your previous advance payment debt, which is ridiculous.

If Centre Link really wants to appear like they're helping people out, the advance payments should be available to people as soon as they're previous advance payment debt is paid off. Or at the very least, after six months.

Then maybe people (me included) wouldn't bitch so much about how much help Centre Link doesn't provide.

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