Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Curse You, Harry Potter!

Yeah, that's right. I said it. I cursed Harry Potter ... and I'll even go one step further:

*shakes fist threateningly at Harry Potter*

Guess I should probably explain why I'm cursing Harry Potter now.

I finally watched The Deathly Hallows pt1 tonight. Because I'm the only Potter fan in the house I had to wait until the boys went to bed before I could put it on.

And because we watched a ton of Battlestar Galactia, it was pretty late when I finally put the Harry Potter DVD on.

Needless to say, it's a long film.

Not sure exactly how long. But long enough to take me to almost 12:30am ... and I'm still not tired.

I should also point out that 12:30am is way past my bed time. Thanks to my good doctor and those pretty awesome sleeping pills, I had actually developed what resembled a healthy, normal sleeping pattern.

Tonight The Deathly Hallows has made absolutely certain that I don't end up in bed asleep at a decent semi-decent time.

So that's why I cursed Harry Potter.

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