Friday, May 20, 2011

The May 21st 2011 Rapture

When I first heard about May 21st being the new end of the world date, I was very amused ... and then slightly put out.

Amused, because that's mum's birthday; she gets the dubious honour of being one of the last to celebrate her birthday. Put out, because that means I miss out on my own birthday next week.

But that was just me being selfish. I should be happy for mum and the dubious honour that god has seen fit to bestow upon her.

Although, as good little atheists, we don't believe in God and go to church and all the stuff good little Christians do. So odds are, we won't be raptured.

So tomorrow's possible rapture event isn't all bad news; there'll still be people around to celebrate birthdays with. But who can tell who will be raptured and who won't be? We may have to go out and make new friends with people we would normally prefer to avoid.

And then there's the possibilty that the Zombie Apocolypse rumours are true.

A Zombie Apocalypse would really ruin all birthday plans, and, quite frankly, make life a living hell where no one cares about birthdays ... I'm also concerned about the fact that I don't think I could handle myself and kill enough zombies for me to survive in a Zombie Apocalypse.

But for the time being, there isn't much we can do is hold our breaths and start preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse.

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