Monday, January 2, 2012

How To Make Sure That the Tourists Don't Bother You

It's summer time, which means it's turo season.

Anyone who lives in a tourist hotspot will know just how annoying turos are, and wants nothing more for them to "piss off back home!"

That solution would make everyone much, much happier. But it's a well known fact that turos are selfish, inconsiderate bastards who are stupid beyond belief. So they're not going to make everyone's life easier by going back home. They're going to make everyone's life as miserable as possible and remain as turos for as long as possible.

So that leaves everyone else with the choice of putting up with the crowds of turos or becoming a hermit for the tourist season or packing up and going somewhere else and become a turo themselves.

Not the best choices.

But there's a way to fight back against the turos.

Actually there's a number of ways to fight back against them. Unfortunately, though, the most satisfying ways (like seeing who can get the most points mowing them down in the car) are a little bit illegal and will most likely land you in jail. And if you end up in jail the turo has won.

The best way to fight the turo while not breaking the law is by not showering and becoming very pungent. You can even take it a step further and put on some make up

that makes you look even more feral than you smell, and if you can blacken a couple of teeth you'd look very frightening to the turo, who'd make sure to get out of your way when you go out to do your day to day activities.

Imagine that; being able to walk around unhindered by turos in the height of tourist season! That's a win for you, the local.

And if you walk around carrying an empty beer can (since you'd get in trouble with a full can of beer), and talk like a loud ladette/ocka, you probably will only see the back of the turos when you're out.

However, there is one little drawback to this; your friends will probably won't want anything to do with you while you're being a smelly feral local.

But this is where the plan gets even better;

One smelly, feral local is good and all. But that won't really keep the turos away. They'll just be avoiding you. If you get all of your friends and family to do the same as you, and walk around in large, loud groups the turo should hopefully be scared away from ever visiting the town after a couple of seasons of this. And if the teenagers are given the summer job of hanging around in large groups near the turos faveorite places the turos will be scared away even faster, because we all know that the scariest thing in the world is a large, obnoxious group of teenagers.

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