Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Thoughts About Tara and Her Psychic Abilities

In my last entry about her, I think I may have conceded that Tara may be a little more than a fraud or a demi god (because the two are so similar). Since then I have recieved a couple more messages from her, which have caused me to change my mind about her again.

I have come to the conclusion that Tara is, in fact, the real deal when it comes to this psychic voodoo stuff; what she has "seen" in regards to me is uncanny, and unless she happens to be a very good fraudster who actually knows me in person, I seriously doubt that she's just making this up.

Of course, there's still the possibility that she is a demi god ... but she's far less dangerous if I just consider her a common, run of the mill for real psychic.

But just because I have come to the conclusion that Tara is bona fide psychic, doesn't mean that I'm going to rush out and pay for her services; there's still an element of fraud happening here;

While Tara may well be able to "see" people's futures, I still think she's trying to fool the foolish and gullible out of their hard earned: Tara "sees" a person's future improving and then immediately sends of messages to that person informing them that she can help improve his/her lot in life if they pay for her voodoo services, and then claims that the improvement she foresaw as her own work.

But what Tara doesn't realise (and she really should, all things considered" is that mumma didn't raise no fool, nor am I gullible (at least I hope not). And on top of that, I've been keeping a journal and can actually see the improvement in my life. Even without her help, which I'm sure she'd be claiming was all her doing if I had've actually paid for her services.

Oh, and I also have to point out the sense of violation I felt when Tara informed me that she has seen my entire life. Past, present and future.

I don't know why, but this really makes me uneasy. It's my life, and mine to share with those I choose to share it with. For her to just come along and see it all has to be some kind of invasion of privacy.

It was so much easier to shrug this off when I was convinced that she was a phoney psychic instead of an opportunistic psychic.

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