Monday, March 7, 2011

Video Logs

I was thinking how much cooler would it be if I did video logs instead of these blogs?

I'd have to say pretty damn cool ... I was answering my own question just in case you were wondering.

But then I realized that these video logs, vlogs (what an ugly word) if you will, would get pretty boring if my vlogs were all in the same place (my lounge room) with me just prattling on about sweet fuck all.

I don't think I need to say it, but I will; LLLAAAAAAAAAME! (said in Shego's voice).

Yeah, no vlogging for me.

At least not yet.

I might just still do some vlogs in the future.

But only for something special, like road trips (or further). Then my vlogs might be more interesting. I'd at least have souveneers (I know that's spelt incorrectly!) to show the camera.

Sooo, until the future, my friends, keep on reading!

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