Wednesday, March 2, 2011

High School Graduation

It feels like only yesterday that I graduated from high school. And I'm still pretty much doing the same thing now that I was doing then. But minus the studying at Uni part. I've come to terms with the fact that I ain't no academic.

I was kind of dreading the 10 year reunion, because of this complete lack of progress in my life. But I had plenty of time to change that and become some kind of rockin' super star and impress all the peeps in my graduating year.

Now I'm freaking out about that little.

I'm now on the wrong side of the five year mark to feel much confidence in this plan.

Yeah, it's been almost five years since I graduated from high school and kissed that part of my life farewell.

Really scary how time flies.

I'm just going to blink and the next thing I know, it's been another five years, and I'm facing the 10 year high school reunion. With nothing to show or, more importantly, brag about.

I'll just be some lame loser who hasn't done anything since high school.

That really scares me.

And I don't want to be one of those sad people who peaked in high school, because that's just sad. And I know I can peak higher than that. I didn't peak in high school.

I just can't have peaked in high school.

Maybe I can just rock up to the reunion and claim that I invented something mundane. Like post its! But something a little more recent.

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