Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Job Hunting

I don't know which is better for the hopeful job hunter; actually handing resumes to a potential boss in person, or applying online.

Both have their benefits.

I mean, actually going into a business and handing in your resume looks really good. It shows your keen and willing to do what it takes on the job. Real character building stuff.

But on the downside, applying in person means you have to look decent not only at the interview, but also when applying for the job. This isn't always so easy.

Where as, applying online you can just be doing so in your three day old undies, and your would be boss neither knows nor cares about your appearance.

You can also apply for a lot more jobs online than you can in person. But there's none of that face to face contact that proves just how much you want the job.

Oh, and also, you shouldn't be wearing three day old undies. You should wear a clean pair each day. It's basic hygene.

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