Thursday, March 17, 2011

Centrelink. Again

As a Centrelink job seeker, I basically have to seek jobs, and accept any job that gets offered to me.

But if Centrelink themselves offered me a job in one of their offices, I think I'd have to risk losing my New Start Allowance and turn down the job.

Centrelink offices drain the spirit and soul of the will to live. It doesn't matter if you're a Centrelink employee or someone recieving Centrelink, you go in there and immediately become depressed ... not to mention the massive risk of contracting lung cancer from one of the many chain smoking dole bus.

Not even the flies have enough spirit to buzz around people's heads and annoy the waiting masses. Once they're in a Centrelink office, flies just drop to the floor or desk and just lie there until they die.

The government have tried to reverse the effects of the Centrelink offices (probably for the sake of the people working there) by adding some colour and funky posters. But that hasn't changed the fact that Centrelink offices are just massive grey holes. The new paint job the Centrelink offices have gone under have not worked.

Centrelink offices truly are the graveyard of of hope and the breeding ground for despair and depression.

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