Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Time to be Concerned

Today was meant to be my first day back at work after the Christmas break.

No problems, right?

it just meant that I have to get up a littler earlier than usual (ok, a lot earlier) and get myself down to the office.


Or it should've been.

I mean, I got myself up without any problems. It was acually surprisingly easy considering how late I went to bed.

The hard part came when I thought about getting myself down to the office. I just went limp and couldn't move when I thought about it.

The thought of going back to that shitty job was just too much for me.

I really need a better job. One that doesn't fill me with dread at the thought of going in.

But I was expecting a phone call from the people in the office about mid morning to find out where the hell I am, and why I'm not in at the office.

I haven't recieved that call yet. And I don't think I'm going to.

So now I'm not sure if I even have this shitty job. I mean, what if I go into the office tomorrow and everyone asks why I'm there? That could be a little embarrassing. Not to mention a waste of my time ... ok, maybe not a waste of my time. But it will be a waste of my energy at the very least.

I guess I had better act quickly and get myself another job.

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