Sunday, January 23, 2011

The 2011 Floods and the Good They have Done

Everyone keeps focusing about the negative side of the floods sweeping the eastern states. Sure, it's a terrible thing that's happening. And it doesn't look like there's going to be an end to them any time soon (my family in Swan Hill are now facing said floods).

But I feel that I should point out the brighter side of these floods.

Yes. There's actually a positive to them.

Firstly (and most obviously), we clearly now have enough water to last us a few years without having to worry about running out ... unless the fools in Melbourne decide to ease water restrictions just to win a few city votes.

Secondly (and most importantly), the storms that accompanied the beginning of these floods (at least the Victorian floods) seems to have destroyed the portal between worlds (and/or time).

This is a massively good thing (at least it is for the good people of Ballarat).

Now the evil white rabbits that kept appearing out of nowhere in and around the Eureka Park (Ballarat East) don't seem to be appearing any more. No more of their little scouts are running around town at night. Their rusty little door has been destroyed (it could be heard at night creaking whenever it was in use).

The good people of Ballarat (and possibly the rest of Victoria ... even Australia) can now breath a sigh of relief. Th threat of invasion by these cute but evil white fiends (Anya was right to fear bunnies) has been cut short.

For the time being, at least.

Who knows if they'll rebuild their little portal and once again attempt to take over the world.

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