Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rainy Day Entry

I'm sitting inside looking out at the weather, finding it hard to believe that it's meant to be summer in southern Victoria. If I were living up in Queensland, I wouldn't be having such a hard time believeing it was summer.

But I'm down south. Well below the tropics.

Summer down south isn't meant to be wet and humid. It's meant to be dry and hot.

And more to the point, that's exactly how I like my summers to be; dry and hot. Not this wet and humid crap. It's not really summer with weather like this.

Plus, because it's so humid, it's not so cold, which is completely ruining my favourite wet weather food. It's not cold enough to enjoy soup!

What is the world coming to if I can't enjoy soup on a rainy day?

Although, on the plus side, all this rain will be filling up the rivers. So naturally that means that the Murray will be getting very close to flooding.

Actually, this is new. It's been close to flooding since before Christmas.

But maybe this new down pour will flush out all of that black toxic water that Dad and everyone else has been talking about. Maybe after this down pour the river water will be cleaner than just a few days ago.

It would be nice to go and visit dad after this down pour.

Simply just so that I can see the river so full, possibly even flooded (something I haven't seen for about 15ish years). It would be nice just to visit/relive those childhood memories once more.

Ah, nostolgia, you make everything seem so much better than reality.

Well, maybe I will go and visit dad soon and play happy family for a weekend ... actually, if I really want to benifit from the game, I'll probably have to play happy family for a little more than just one weekend ... really should've gone up to see him whene the rest of the house went up to Swan Hill to visit their families.

Oh well.

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