Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tara May be More Than a Mere Pyschic and She Wants a Thank You

At least I think she does. Her latest email implies that she does ... or maybe she just means I'll be able to say "thank you" to the universe, because apparently all my problems will soon be a bad memory.

Although she did sound a little cut that I haven't replied to any of her emails and paid for any of her pyschic voodoo services.

I get the impression that she may well give up on me unless I reply to this email.

There may well be no more updates pertaining to Tara in the future.

Not that Tara is giving up without a fight; all of my problems that will soon just be a bad memory will only become a reality unless I read the information she has given me.

And after reading through some of the information that she has sent me, I can't help by think that Tara isn't a pyschic at all ... which isn't new. I think most of my posts about Tara have implied my sceptism about her and her pyschic powers.

However, if she has the power to manipulate the way the universe so that I can experience periods of good luck the way she says she does, then I am forced to conclude that Tara is in fact some sort of demi god.

A demi god who wants to be paid ... I guess even demi gods have to pay the rent and bills.

Still, since my bad luck seems to be at an end, I don't think I'll be paying Tara to do her voodoo pyschic thing. She seems happy to do it for me free of charge when I don't reply to her emails. So I think I'm going to stick with the way things currently are ... risky with a demi god, I know, but nothing bad has come of it so far.

Still, I'm not a complete fool. If Tara wants a "thank you" from me, then I will give it to her. After all, I don't want to piss off of demi god too much.

So, thank you, Tara. I'm sure you have been a great help to me these past few (or many) months.

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