Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Door to Door Sales Person

So I rencently got a job. And about time!

It's nothing spectacular. In fact, it's probably the very opposite of spectacular ... unspectacular some might even say.

But the point is that I have finally got myself a job (so, hooray and all that for me!).

I'm now a door to door sales person for Austar ... ok, so the bossman calls it something else (can't remember what though), because the name door to door sales person really drags what we do through the mud ... but let's not get too concerned about nicties. Let's just call it what it is. I'm a damned door to door sales person.

I now get to annoy people in their homes, trying to get them to sign up to Austar.

At least I will once I get this stupid training out of the way.

The only thing worse than being a door to door sales person is training to be a door to door sales person. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking boring! I seriously hope that once I get out into the field things will start looking better ... or at least more interesting.

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