Saturday, November 27, 2010

Yeah So ...

As you might, or possibly, not have guessed, I've decided to start writing about my day.

Ok, so it may not be all that new of an idea! In fact one of the most unoriginalists ideas ever! But I totally have my reasons.

Not that I'm going to share ... at least not at this point in time.

But if you've been paying attention to my FB, Twitter and EP posts then you'l be well aware that I had a job interview today ... if you can call it an interview ... since the door to door salesman, Chris, totally pulled some strings for me well after the first interview or two, I'm not sure it can be called that.

But Whatever.

I was at the "Open Day" thing for the job today, which detailed what it was about (surprise surprise, 100% commission based work). It doesn't sound too bad. In fact it sounds quite cushy; I only have to make a sale a day at the very least, and I'll be earning around about $400 a week (more than I'm getting from Centre Link).

And if I make 30 sale, I'll get free Austar.

So guess what my sales aim is for the next 4 weeks?

I'm hoping (and assuming!) that I don't really have to tell you.

My fingers are totally crossed for landing this job. I know it requires a lot more effort than I really want to exert. But I should be used to this kind of shit; I mean, I'm a writer, right?

But this job will also hopefully give me some more insight into how people work, think and talk ...

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