Saturday, September 25, 2010

2010 AFL Grand Final

Well, today is grand final day. So naturally that means we’ll be getting extremely drunk while watching the footy. It’s the only day that this is acceptable … unless you’re an avid footy fan … and then you’re probably the feral sort who does this with the flimsiest of excuses; “Oh, it’s raining today” *turn on TV and sit down with a freshly opened stubby* “Oh, it’s sunny outside today” *turn TV on and sit down with a freshly opened stubby* “Oh, I’m meant to go report to Centre Link today” *turn on TV and sit down with a freshly opened stubby*
Aaaaand so on.
But on grand final day, no one can judge you for this behaviour. In fact, it’s actively encouraged (except by the cops, who have to deal with feral drunks later on in the evening). Although as long as you do it with mates. If you do this alone, you’re just sad.
Even sadder than the afore mentioned drunk bogan.
No one cares what teams are playing … although, we Victorians do get pretty upset if there isn’t at least one Victorian team playing. It doesn’t matter if you’re team is playing or not. It’s just a fantastic excuse to get drunk with mates.
But if you’re team is playing, well, congrats!
I hope they win … unless my team is also playing. Then, in which case, I will want my team to win and your team to go to hell.
So later on today, everyone will be decked out in red, black and white or black and white and everywhere will be deserted and reminiscent of a ghost town. Or at least that’s how it will be in Victoria … except perhaps in Geelong.
Soooooo, let the drinking begin!
Let’s getting ready for the first bounce!
Let’s hope the Saints are more than a match for the Pies!
And let’s hope that it’s a close game, since it’ll get boring if it’s a one sided match.

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